You can start hospitality

We invite someone to our table so that they find out God’s invited them, too. No better way to live. All for heaven's sake.


Come to My Table – Can Now Come to Yours

Years ago I gave my first workshop on “hospitality.” It didn’t seem important. Anyone could have someone over for a bowl of ice cream, right? I found out otherwise. A friend said, “Sue, I wish you’d write a book called Hospitality For Dummies, complete with the yellow and black cover.” She just wanted the basics to help her relax and host with a semblance of confidence until she practiced a bit. (It is called practicing hospitality for a reason.) I didn’t want anyone thinking they were dummies; still Come to My Table includes some easy and practical steps, how to get started and, sixty tried and true tips for the truly tired.

Hospitality was first God’s idea, and then He let us in on the inviting and welcoming. Sometimes it includes ice cream. Sometimes it means ordering pizza.

I could write this because of how I was raised. Recently, I gave my first copy to the folks. Mom doesn’t do cooking anymore at 94, but she did enough to make me comfortable inviting friends and strangers into our home. I’m hoping my girls will feel the same (or, marry boys who cook; there’s always that.)



For my mother,

Betty Elizabeth Moore,

who invites the world to her door, 

opens it wide,

and expects everyone to end up in the kitchen.

Many of you have been in the Moore kitchen. It looks about the same. If you want some fun stories, recipes (in every chapter), and encouragement to know God’s inviting heart so you can invite others, check it out here:

Also available at The Parable Bookstore, San Luis Obispo, CA – (805) 543-6146

Cover art beautifully done by my sister-in-law, Anne Moore.

Comments +

  1. Becky Jones says:

    Your Mom had the most open doors that I have ever seen. Is she completely blind now? When we saw them in 2009 she was a little upset because she could not see like she always could. She has lived a rich and wonderful life. Your Dad has as well lived a great life. One of my Mom’s sister lived to be 99 and she dipped snuff. Bill had always said that stuff is going to kill her and when she passed away he repeated it.
    Love your parents. Even after your wedding and all the things that went on there the next day your Mom wanted to organize something because she had not partied out yet.

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You can start hospitality

We invite someone to our table so that they find out God’s invited them, too. No better way to live. All for heaven's sake.
